AcasăEurope News100 Romanian citizens, stranded on Amman airport. Poor visibility forces Tarom aircraft...

100 Romanian citizens, stranded on Amman airport. Poor visibility forces Tarom aircraft flying the Bucharest-Amman route to land in Larnaca

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), through the Embassy of Romania in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is paying attention to the situation of a group of 100 Romanian citizens who remained stranded, on December 7, 2022, at the „Queen Alia” International Airport in Amman, against the background the cancellation of some flights to Romania, due to unfavorable weather conditions, according to a press release issued by MAE.

The representatives of the diplomatic mission undertook, as an emergency, steps with the competent Jordanian authorities, as well as with the travel agency that organized the trip and the carrier airline from Romania, in order to identify some solutions to the situation created.

Astfel, un reprezentant al Ambasadei României la Amman s-a deplasat la aeroport, imediat după semnalarea situației, pentru a discuta cu cetățenii români afectați și cu reprezentanții aeroportului și ai companiei de transport aerian, pentru a se asigura că cetățenilor români le sunt respectate drepturile de care beneficiază în astfel de situații și pentru a le acorda asistență consulară.

According to the data communicated by the Romanian Embassy in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the dialogue with the Romanian citizens at the airport is also maintained by representatives of the airline. They offered, on behalf of the company, alternatives until departure to Romania – hotel accommodation until the next available flight or support for identifying other travel routes to the country. Romanian citizens will communicate the decision taken to the representatives of the air transport company.

Potrivit datelor comunicate de Ambasada României în Regatul Haşemit al Iordaniei, dialogul cu cetățenii români aflați la aeroport este menținut și de către reprezentanți ai companiei aeriene. Aceștia au oferit, în numele companiei, alternative până la plecarea către România – cazare la hotel până la următoarea cursă aeriană disponibilă sau sprijin pentru identificarea unor alte rute de deplasare către țară. Cetățenii români vor comunica reprezentanților firmei de transport aerian decizia luată.

The MFA, through the Romanian diplomatic mission in Amman, maintains contact with the Romanian citizens, as well as with the airline and the competent Jordanian authorities, until the resolution of this situation and the safe return of the Romanian citizens to Romania.

An aircraft of the TAROM company, which was operating flight RO 187 on the Bucharest-Amman route on Wednesday, was forced to land at the Larnaca Airport because of the unfavourable weather conditions, according to standard procedures in low visibility situations, according to Agerpres.

„We emphasize the fact that the safety and security of the passengers and the crew were not jeopardized at any moment, and the aircraft landed in maximum safety conditions, taking off to its original destination – Bucharest – as soon as the weather conditions allowed it,” reads the press release of the company sent to Agerpres on Wednesday.

TAROM states that currently the passengers of flight RO 188 on the Amman-Bucharest route are provided with assistance on the ground according to Regulation EC261/2004, and that they will be rerouted or accommodated, as the case may be.


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