Another 102 investment projects in processing, with a total value of 259.3 million euros, will receive funding under the additional selection report for the DR-22 intervention on the conditioning, storage, and processing of agricultural and fruit products, the Agency for Financing Rural Investments (AFIR) announced on Tuesday.
„Given the strong interest in this sector, as well as the fact that the DR-22 intervention contributes to achieving the strategic goal of increasing the added value of primary production by financing units for the collection and processing of raw materials, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has supplemented the DR-22 intervention budget with the amount of 249,061,176 euros, in accordance with European Commission Decision C (2024) 8379 from 29.11.2024, approving the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan – version 7.1. Thus, with the funds resulting from the budget supplementation, to which are added the funds released until now from the projects already selected under the DR-22 intervention, AFIR has initiated the procedure for selecting eligible projects without funding resulting from the 2023 submission session,” AFIR says in a press release.
The procedure is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on the organisation and operation of the selection process and the process for verifying complaints for projects under the rural development interventions of the 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan.
The additional selection report for the DR-22 intervention on the conditioning, storage, and processing of agricultural and fruit products was published on February 14, 2025, on
Prior to this, AFIR prepared and published on a waiting list of eligible projects without funding from the 01/2023 submission session of the DR-22 intervention, which includes all eligible projects ranked based on the score obtained and the applicable tie-breaking criteria.
After the publication of the additional selection report, applicants will be notified by AFIR for the contracting of selected projects, after following specific procedural steps, including document and field verifications.
In the DR-22 session, conducted between December 20, 2023 – February 6, 2024, 420 projects worth 1.1 billion euros were submitted online, of which only 66 investments were selected for financing with 214 million euros, within the initial allocation limit.