AcasăEurope News2% increase in number of permits issued for residential buildings, eight months...

2% increase in number of permits issued for residential buildings, eight months into 2024

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The number of building permits issued for residential buildings increased by 2% in the first eight months of this year, compared to the situation in 2023, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

So, between January 1 and August 31, 2024, 23,772 construction permits were issued for residential buildings, and the most important jumps were recorded in the Sud-Muntenia (+264 permits), Vest ( +202), Bucharest-Ilfov (+137), Nord-Est (+79) and Sud-Vest Oltenia (+64) development regions.

On the other hand, decreases were recorded in the center (-243 authorizations), northwest (-31) and southeast (-11) regions.

INS data reveal that, in August 2024 compared to August 2023, the number of building permits issued for residential buildings increased by 7.9%, and the total usable area increased by 10.6%.

Also, regarding the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings, it decreased by 1.5%, and as a total usable area, by 20.8%.

From one month to the next (August 2024 vs July 2024), 3,360 building permits for residential buildings were issued in Romania (-3.6%), with a total usable area of 808,191 sqm (+3.1%). Of this total, 70.3% were for the rural area.

In August of the current year, 533 building permits were issued for non-residential buildings (-4.7% compared to July 2024), with a total usable area of 179,685 sqm (-34.1%).


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