A total of 4,696,568 pensioners were registered in January 2025 in Romania, that is 6,781 fewer compared to the previous month, and the average pension was 2,752 lei, according to data collected by the National House of Public Pensions (CNPP).
The total value of the pension rights owed amounted to 12.924 billion lei.
According to CNPP statistics, out of the total number of pensioners in the public pension system, 3,771,876 people had retired at the age limit, of which 2,166,872 were women, while the average pension was 3,070 lei.
In January 2025, 4,926 people received early retirement pensions (with an average pension of 3,883 lei), 89,499 people received partial early retirement pensions (with an average pension of 2,723 lei), and 390,829 people received disability pensions (with an average pension of 1,124 lei), of which 44,384 were for grade I disability (973 lei, average pension).
In the same month, survivor’s pensions were granted to 439,333 people (with an average pension of 1,462 lei), while 105 pensioners received social assistance (with an average of 540 lei).