AcasăEurope NewsSecurity in Black Sea region addressed at 8th edition of Black Sea...

Security in Black Sea region addressed at 8th edition of Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum

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The 8th edition of the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, dedicated to defence, security and international relations issues related to the wider Black Sea and Balkan region, will be held in Bucharest on May 23-24.

According to the organizer, the New Strategy Center, the forum will include 41 panels and 161 officials, diplomats, military and renowned analysts from EU and NATO member states and partner countries.

The central themes of this edition will address security in the Black Sea region, the multi-pronged hybrid threats, issues related to energy security, food security, countering disinformation, cyber resilience, Western Balkans security and other issues high on the public agenda.

This year’s edition features world-renowned experts such as economist Nouriel Roubini, retired General David Petraues, former head of the CIA, former NATO Force Commander Europe, retired General Phillip Breedlove.

The Bucharest Forum is organised in partnership with the Ministry of National Defence, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as institutional partner and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest as academic partner and is supported by NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.


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