AcasăEurope NewsRomania will continue to support Ukraine with all its powers, PM Ciolacu...

Romania will continue to support Ukraine with all its powers, PM Ciolacu says

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Romania will continue to support Ukraine „with all its powers”, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said, on Thursday, in a video message addressed to the participants of the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, who emphasized that our country has become one of the main energy suppliers for the neighboring country.

„Unfortunately, after more than two years since the start of Russia’s horrible aggression, the same dramatic scenes are repeated daily (…): dead people, waves of Ukrainian refugees who choose the path of exile. The population remaining at home lives on the edge of a knife. In the face of these tragedies, Romania has only one option: to continue to support Ukraine with all its powers. especially economically. Romania has already become one of the main energy suppliers after the Russian attacks damaged the Ukrainian power plants. We are ready to export the necessary amounts of energy to Ukraine, as we did for the Republic of Moldova. Thus, we will thwart this cynical plan of Russia,” the PM said.

Ciolacu also mentioned the billion-euro investments that Romania is making to become the main logistic hub for Ukrainian goods, through „the construction of motorways and the modernization of railways, but also massive works of over 1.5 billion euros in Constanta Port (…) With the help of the United States, other NATO allies and the European Union, we must transform the Black Sea from a war zone into one of security and economic prosperity. We have already agreed that together with Turkey and Bulgaria to carry out joint demining actions. We want to ensure all the conditions for the Black Sea to be an economic bridge between Europe, Asia and the Middle East and to become a strategic energy space where the exploitation of gas from the depths generates economic development at the regional level. Finally, I propose that we look to the future with confidence, a future in which we will deal with the reconstruction of Ukraine. Romania aims to be one of the most important actors in this process. We have the people, the resources and the determination to help Ukraine be reborn. We count on the support of our allies and partners to achieve this perspective,” said prime minister Ciolacu.


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