AcasăEurope News32nd UNITER Awards Gala to take place this evening at Bucharest National...

32nd UNITER Awards Gala to take place this evening at Bucharest National Theater

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The 32nd Gala of the National Union of Romania’s Stage Performers (UNITER) Awards takes place on Monday at the „Ion Caramitru” Hall of the „I.L. Caragiale” National Theater in Bucharest, with several theater greats set to receive lifetime achievement honors and special distinctions, and the best 2023 acting performances receiving award recognition.

The prizes awarded by the UNITER Senate are as follows: Valer Dellakeza – „Ion Caramitru” Excellence Award, for an exceptional career crowned with the role of the prophet Jeremiah in the show „Bros” directed by Romeo Castellucci, which featured on international stages; lifetime achievement award – actors Oana Pellea and Dan Condurache; the honor for lifelong directing activity – Petrica Ionescu; the honor for lifelong stage design activity – Viorica Petrovici; the „George Banu” honor for lifelong activity as a theater critic and historian – Miruna Runcan.

Special prizes will reward actors Rodica and Mugur Prisacaru for their puppet and marionette theater artistry; the Children’s Opera Comique, for the coherence and consistency of its art education programs for young audiences; the „George Cosbuc” Municipal Cultural Center in Bistrita, for initiating and carrying out the theatrical projects A Few People Away From You – directed by Radu Afrim, and Youth Without Ageing – a workshop led by director Silviu Purcarete.

The UNITER President’s award goes to the Sibiu International Theater Festival, which celebrated in 2023 its 30th anniversary.

The nomination jury for the 32nd edition of the UNITER Awards Gala was made of theater critics Alina Epingeac, Cristina Rusiecki and Octavian Szalad. The shows that came to the jury’s attention are those that premiered between January 1 and December 31, 2023.


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