AcasăEurope NewsNicusor Dan: Referendums to decide who is responsible for urban planning in...

Nicusor Dan: Referendums to decide who is responsible for urban planning in Bucharest

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Bucharest mayor Nicusor Dan says that he will launch, with the support of the General Council, a local referendum to decide who is responsible for urban planning in Bucharest.

„With the approval of the General Council, I will call a local referendum to decide who is responsible for urban planning in Bucharest. It is absurd for the district mayors to throw out authorizations for dozens and hundreds of blocks in Bucharest whose legality is not controlled by anyone, and the mayor of the capital city to be responsible for the traffic in Bucharest. I take responsibility for solving the traffic in Bucharest, but I ask the people of Bucharest to give me the responsibility for the urban development of this city,” the Bucharest mayor told a press conference.

He asked the candidates for the presidential elections and the parliamentary parties that the Urban Planning Code and the Law of Urban Green Spaces be passed before the elections.

„Parliament is debating two laws: the Urban Planning Code and the Law of Urban Green Spaces. I ask the candidates for the presidential elections to pronounce in the campaign for the presidential elections on the most important issues of these two laws and I ask the parliamentary parties that until the parliamentary elections we resolve these two laws. This will only be the case when the citizens of Bucharest can manage the situation of their green spaces and their urban development themselves, through the bodies they have chosen, and these things are not done behind the scenes above the interests of the citizens of Bucharest,” said the Bucharest mayor.


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