AcasăEurope NewsChief of Defense Staff receives in Chisinau "Consolidation of Brotherhood in Arms"...

Chief of Defense Staff receives in Chisinau „Consolidation of Brotherhood in Arms” medal

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The Chief of the Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, received, in Chisinau, the „Consolidation of the Brotherhood of Arms” medal, during the visit he made to the Republic of Moldova on Wednesday and Thursday, informs the Defense Ministry (MapN), according to Agerpres.

The „Consolidation of the Brotherhood in Arms” medal is one of the military awards of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova that can also be awarded to foreign citizens, being conferred also for the promotion of peace and democracy in the world, for the development of collaborative and friendly relations with partners National Army of the Republic of Moldova.

The program of Daniel Petrescu’s visit included meetings with the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatii, with the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, respectively, participation in the Day of Distinguished Visitors of the annual multinational exercise „Fire Shield”.

The agenda of the discussions dwelt on the analysis of the regional security situation, the evaluation of bilateral military cooperation, as well as the commitments of the two armies within international bodies.

The officials appreciated the cooperative relations between the Romanian and Moldovan armed forces, especially in the field of training. The constant joint exercises and the participation of the military from the Republic of Moldova in training courses in Romania represent vectors of the intensification of the collaboration between the two institutions. In this context, General Petrescu mentioned that the Romanian Army will continue to support the modernization effort, raising the operational capacity and the level of interoperability of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova.

„The training of the forces and the permanent dialogue at the level of the general staff are priorities for the command team of the General Staff of Defense. We have a strategic partnership that has excellent results. Together with our colleagues from the Republic of Moldova, we defend the same values, we have common objectives. Our plans will be carried out,” stated General Petrescu.

An important objective of the visit was the participation in the „Fire Shield” exercise on the Day of Distinguished Visitors. The major training event brought together servicemen from the Republic of Moldova, Romania and the United States. The multinational training aimed mainly at increasing the interoperability between the participating troops for carrying out military stability and peace support operations.


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