AcasăEurope NewsItalian president - on official visit to Romania on Wednesday, to meet...

Italian president – on official visit to Romania on Wednesday, to meet counterpart Iohannis

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The president of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, will pay an official visit to Bucharest on Wednesday at the invitation extended by the Romanian counterpart, Klaus Iohannis.

On this occasion, the Italian official will hold talks with president Klaus Iohannis and will have separate meetings with Senate president Nicolae Ciuca and prime minister Marcel Ciolacu.

According to a press release issued by the Presidential Administration, the official visit is a continuation of the dialogue at the highest level, marked by the historic moment of the state visit that president Klaus Iohannis paid to the Italian Republic in 2018, the first in 45 years, as well as by the third joint Romanian-Italian government meeting held in Rome on 14-15 February 2024.

In 2024, Romania and Italy celebrate 145 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations and 60 years since the establishment of embassy-level relations, significant dates for the increasingly intense of bilateral dialogue, reads the cited source.

„In the context of the excellent relations between Romania and Italy, based on a solid bond, the official visit to Bucharest reconfirms the importance of the strengthened strategic partnership, the dynamism of the multiple areas of bilateral cooperation, the contribution to the social and economic life of the Romanian community in Italy and the Italian community in Romania, as well as the common approaches in European, Euro-Atlantic and international fora. The two heads of state will also discuss issues related to European and global developments, with a focus on the EU’s Strategic Agenda and the security situation,” reads the Presidential Administration press release.

According to the official agenda, Klaus Iohannis and Sergio Mattarella are also scheduled to hold face-to-face talks in the plenary of the two delegations, at the end of which they will make joint press statements.


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