AcasăEurope NewsUnanimity in PNL for organisation of presidential elections on schedule (PNL leader)

Unanimity in PNL for organisation of presidential elections on schedule (PNL leader)

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The National Liberal Party (PNL) leadership has unanimously agreed that the presidential elections should be held in November, the PNL chairman, Nicolae Ciuca, said on Monday after the meeting of the National Political Bureau.

„Unanimously, all the members of the National Political Bureau have agreed that we will continue to support the organisation of the presidential elections on schedule,” the Liberal leader said.

In the context in which Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is holding consultations on Monday and Tuesday with political parties on the electoral calendar for this year’s presidential and parliamentary elections, Nicolae Ciuca emphasized that, given the PNL – PSD coalition government, it was not necessary to invite the liberals to the consultations.

„The discussions that were requested by the prime minister were aimed at the other political parties. I have seen this rhetoric about the fact that the National Liberal Party was not invited. Well, PSD was not invited either. As such, there is no question of us or PSD being invited. Each of the two parties is represented in this team of discussions, of dialogue with the political parties and, after these discussions are finalized, I think it is absolutely normal to have a coalition meeting. We are expecting the prime minister to have these discussions,” said the PNL leader.

As concerns the decision of the PNL to support the presidential elections, the liberal leader evoked the consultation with the electorate.

„We agreed based all the discussions that we had during the two months of the campaign and in the discussions that took place after June 10, during which we had the opportunity to meet with tens of thousands of people in the pre-campaign and in the campaign and afterwards, with hundreds of thousands of people who asked us to take into account the relevance of the office of president in our country and the need for debate and understanding of everything that can represent a project and a vision for Romania at the level of the candidates for the Romanian Presidency and, of course, the need to do it in such a way that the pre-campaign does not take place in July or the campaign in August, when we all know that it is a vacation period,” Nicolae Ciuca pointed out.


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