AcasăEurope NewsHidroelectrica announces modernisation of Vaduri, Remeti, Arcesti hydropower plants

Hidroelectrica announces modernisation of Vaduri, Remeti, Arcesti hydropower plants

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Hidroelectrica has signed with the consortium formed by Hidroserv and UCMH contracts for the modernisation of the hydropower facilities Vaduri, Remeti and Arcesti.

According to a company press release sent on Monday to AGERPRES, the projects are part of a broad plan aimed at ensuring the sustainable and efficient operation of the company’s infrastructure, according to the highest technological standards.

In this sense, at the Vaduri Hydroelectric Power Plant, the works undertaken involve the modernisation of hydro-aggregate number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station, as well as the mechanical and electrical equipment related to the power plant and the dam. The basic price of the contract is 79.196 million lei, to which 7.823 million lei can be added for miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses.

At the Remeti Hydroelectric Power Plant, Hidroelectrica has initiated the modernisation of hydro-aggregate number 2 (HA2), the 110 kV station, the general installations and the pressure node, including the Dragan Dam. The basic price of the contract is 144.868 million lei, to which 14.388 million lei can be added for miscellaneous and unforeseen expenses.

Furthermore, at the Arcesti Hydroelectric Power Plant, works are to be carried out to modernise hydro-aggregate number 2 and to replace the automation and monitoring system related to the services of hydro-aggregate number 1. The contract has a base value of 82.391 million lei.

Hidroelectrica is the largest producer of electricity in Romania, managing 187 hydroelectric power plants with a total production capacity of 6.3 MWh.


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