AcasăEurope NewsEuro trades at 4.9741 RON

Euro trades at 4.9741 RON

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The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:

1 Euro EUR 4.9741
1 US dollar USD 4.4783
1 Swiss franc CHF 5.2655
1 British pound GBP 5.9502
100 Japanese yen JPY 3.1181
1 Moldovan leu MDL 0.2556
1 Russian rouble RUB 0.0482
1 new Turkish lira TRY 0.1313
1 Chinese renminbi CNY 0.6345
1 gram of gold XAU 377.2337
1 SDR XDR 6.0465

The exchange rates of the currencies included in the list are based on the quotations of the banking companies authorized to carry out operations on the currency market. This list does not make it compulsory to use the exchange rates of currencies and gold in actual transactions of currency exchange and book entries.


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