AcasăEurope NewsSenate President: A long-term American strategy is needed in Black Sea to...

Senate President: A long-term American strategy is needed in Black Sea to keep it free and open

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The President of the Romanian Senate, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Nicolae Ciuca, emphasized, on Monday, at the „National Security Dialogue” conference held in Switzerland, in Vevey, the need for a long-term and predictable US policy for the Black Sea in order to keep it „free” and „open „, according to a press release published by the Senate.

„We need a long-term and predictable American strategy in the Black Sea to keep a free and open Black Sea. It is in the interest of Europe and in the interest of the US. As far as I am concerned, I can tell you only one thing – you can count on on Romania in the future. We will resist here together with you”, stated Ciuca, in the address dedicated to freedom of navigation.

Ciuca drew attention to the strategic importance of the Black Sea from the perspective of connectivity, energy resources, food security, being the place where trade routes from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean Sea or the routes from Central Asia to Europe intersect.

He pointed out that the Black Sea also has its own gas resources, stressing that, from 2027, due to the exploitation of natural gas in the area, Romania will become the largest producer in the field in the EU.

The „National Security Dialogue” conference was organized by Pepperdine University and The Heritage Foundation in the USA and brought together officials and experts from all over the world to discuss the most important topics for global security.


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