AcasăEurope NewsInvestments of 2.7 billion euros in hospital infrastructure through National Investment Program

Investments of 2.7 billion euros in hospital infrastructure through National Investment Program

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The applicant’s guide for the National Program for Investments in the Infrastructure of Hospital Units, approved by Emergency Ordinance 29/2024, will be in public debate until October 10, 2024, the Minister of Investments and European Projects Adrian Caciu wrote on Facebook on Thursday evening.

„Investments of 2.7 billion euros in hospital infrastructure through the National Program of Investments in the Infrastructure of Hospital Units. The Applicant’s Guide for the National Program of Investments in the Infrastructure of Hospital Units, approved by Emergency Ordinance 29/2024, was put into public debate. Proposals and observations can be sent to the email address until 10.10.2024, the date of the end of the public consultation process”, emphasized Caciu.

He mentioned that the value of the program carried out by the Ministry of Investments and European Projects (MIPE) in the period 2024-2031 is 13.25 billion RON.

Also, an amount of 3.25 billion RON will be allocated for investments in public health units that have been approved for financing from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan by the Ministry of Health.

The maximum amount related to a project financed from the Program is two billion RON for county/county emergency hospitals, specialized hospitals and clinical hospitals and emergency clinics, 350.5 million RON for municipal/municipal emergency hospitals and 250 million of RON for city hospitals.


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