Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that the Liberals’ statements on the coalition break-up are made amid the electoral campaign for the presidential and parliamentary elections and stressed that „Romania’s Government is one thing and the political coalition is another.”
Ciolacu made the statements ahead of the Government meeting at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Wednesday.
„I have told you before, Romania’s Government is one thing, the political coalition is another.We are in an election campaign. (…) I was expecting us to be more creative in this campaign, not nonsense such as the PSD [Social Democratic Party] steals, it has absolute power. I remember Mr Iohannis wanted a government of his own. (…) A government works with ministers, it does not work with party chairs, but political matters are further discussed on party secretary general level,” Marcel Ciolacu said.
The PM reiterated he would resign if the National Liberal Party (PNL) exited governing, when asked in this respect.
He was asked about the possibility of some Liberal ministers blocking drafts aimed at supplementing funds for some ministries.
„I believe at this moment that we are crossing a red line, we are again confusing Romania’s Government with a coalition government. Nobody has come up with additional spending on their own. For example, today we have for medicines, so that people can have access to cancer medicines… Don’t you see that it is, however, such a general thing to be used in the campaign,” said Ciolacu.
Regarding the accusations of possible election fraud by the PSD, the leader of the Social Democrats said: „A lot of nonsense is being said in the election campaign.”
The prime minister did not rule out the possibility that after the parliamentary and presidential elections the new government could be re-formed with the PNL.
„Yes, why not? But this is not for me to decide, it is for Romanians to decide. (…) I told you very clearly that the prime minister will not be from the PSD and I will do this immediately after the elections… after December 1, after Romanians vote. I cannot do it now, but after the results that will be announced after December 1…,” Ciolacu said.