AcasăEurope NewsGeneral election 2024/Overseas candidacies: 18 parties and two independents running

General election 2024/Overseas candidacies: 18 parties and two independents running

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The candidacies for the election to the Romanian Senate and the Chamber of Deputies submitted for the diaspora have remained final, the Overseas Constituency Electoral Bureau for Romanian citizens with a domicile or residence abroad reported on Tuesday.

Constituency Electoral Bureau 43 found that the candidacies submitted by 18 parties and alliances remained final, with two independents joining the electoral race.

According to the decisions of the bureau, the National Liberal Party (PNL) has candidates only for the Senate, and the Right Force Party – only for the Chamber. The two parties filed for the Chamber and the Senate, respectively, but they were challenged, and the court rejected them.

Thus, vying for a seat in the Romanian Parliament on behalf of Romanians overseas are the following candidates:

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR)

* Senate: Maria Marosi Melles; Iuliu Attila Weinberger; Edina Kis; Peter Gabriel Stier

* Chamber of Deputies: Akos Derszi; Orsolya Anna Orosz; Jozsef Zsigmond; Monica Bolog; Zsuzsanna Hlavathy; Marton Norbert Beres

S.O.S. Romania Party

* Senate: Dan Florin Manolachi; Alina Mandris; Doina Zamaneagra; Mikhail Vinogradov

* Chamber of Deputies: Andreea Petronela Cimpianu; Iolanda Luminita Bughiu; Giorgica Zavoianu; Aurica Basaraboc; Adrian Mihailescu; Florin Coseraru

Social Democratic Party (PSD)

* Senate: Antoniu Tudor; Nicolae Daniel Bitu; Mariana Berbec; Mihaela Paraschiva Scanteie

* Chamber of Deputies: Gheorghe Florin Carciu; Iurie Ciocan; Ingrid Georgiana Iordache; Teodora Olteanu; Madalina Andreea Ciobanu; Marius Nicolae Negrea

Save Romania Union (USR)

* Senate: George Catalin Boghileanu; Alina Totti; Ionut Aionitoaei; Viorel Raducanescu

* Chamber of Deputies: Stefan Iulian Lorincz; Horia Daniel Bogdan; Arabela Anca Sabangeanu; Stefania Lucia Vatca; Ion Eugen Visan; Stefan Dragos Stancu

Romania’s European Project Renew Party (REPER)

* Senate: Marius Octavian Olaru; Silvia Dumitrache; Andrada Viorica Daogaru-Cretanu

* Chamber of Deputies: Simina Geanina Daniela Tulbure; Bogdan Constantin Pomohaci; Matei Mihail Puiu

National Christian Alliance

* Senate: Cristian-Emil Bugu; Tuta Anghel; Silvia-Elena Litescu

* Chamber of Deputies: Ovidiu Grosu; Corina Murariu; Oana-Liliana Snae; Carmen-Mariana Gheorghe; Alexandra Prodea Opriş

Young People’s Party (POT)

* Senate: Camelia-Stefania Capraru; Constantin-Laurentiu Popa; Alexandru Petrescu; Ionut-Catalin Vrinceanu

* Chamber of Deputies: Dumitrita Albu; Dragos-Costin Ciuciulei; Codruta-Georgeta Brindusan; Florentina-Mihaela Craciun; Eduard Manu; Andreia Burtila

Socialist Romania Political Alliance

* Senate: Dorin Petcu; Claudia-Andreea Cimpeanu; Stefan Zanet; Georgeta Giurea

* Chamber of Deputies: Simona-Dorina Dinu; Alexandru-Gabriel Pitigoi; Georgiana Oprescu; Aurel-Daniel Fanea; Ionut-Adrian Giurgiu

United Social Democratic Party (PSDU)

* Senate: Eugen Stefan; Iordan Gheuca; Lavinia Raureanu

* Chamber of Deputies: Adriana-Ana Pantea; Remus Stanchescu; Fabian-Emilian-Petru Todor; Vasile-Costel Gavrila; Oana-Bianca Serban

Romanian National Conservative Party (PNCR)

* Senate: Monica-Margareta Coroiu; Dumitru-Alin Plopeanu

* Chamber of Deputies: Daniel Firiza; Oana-Mariana Pera

Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR)

* Senate: Stefan Geamanu; Ioana-Liliana Stancu; Claudiu-Vasile Ungur; Teoharie-Alexandru Tofan

* Chamber of Deputies: Ramona Lovin; Boris Volosatyi; Mihaita-Laurentiu Bunea; Vasile Costiuc; Constantin-Bogdan Prindii; Carmen-Mihaela Mihaila

Romanian Green Party (PER)

* Senate: Mihaela Hagiu

* Chamber of Deputies: Niculita Ghita

Health, Education, Nature, Sustainability Party (SENS)

* Senate: Ioana Gaspar; Mihai-George Forlafu

* Chamber of Deputies: Tudor-Dan Ancuta; Maria-Berta Belu; Tobias-Catalin Pasare

Right Force Party

* Chamber of Deputies: Ion Iovcev; Leonid Boaghi; Marilena-Liliana Draghici; Catalin Vreme; Lucian-Stefan Boros; Catalina Casvean

Justice and Respect in Europe for All Party (DREPT)

* Senate: Cezara-Andrada Rondolean

* Chamber of Deputies: Darius-Constantin Radu; Lazar-Gigel Monu; Mihaela-Alina Damian; Ileana Pastorcici

Independent Social Democratic Party (PSDI)

* Senate: Vasile Musa; Jan Bordian; Alexandru-Ion Popescu; Florica-Valentina Captana

* Chamber of Deputies: Silvia Radu; Mircea-Nicolae Dubere; Nicoleta-Daniela Badea; Elena-Irina Badea; Ionuţ-Octavian Andrei; Gheorghe-Florin Deaconescu

Romania in Action Party

* Senate: Florin Gabriel Stefanescu

* Chamber of Deputies: Luiza Elena Dinica; Stefan Bogdan Butoi; Eleonora-Nicoleta Gherman; Cristian-Ionel Ionescu

National Liberal Party (PNL)

* Senate: Adrian Dutu; Valentin-Ilie Fagasian; Cecilia Kaplan

Two independents for the Chamber of Deputies also entered the competition: Florin Andreicut and Claudia Puiu-Barraud.

The candidacies remained final on October 13.

The general election takes place on December 1.


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