AcasăEurope NewsMinister Intotero: It is very important to have continuous campaigns to stop...

Minister Intotero: It is very important to have continuous campaigns to stop violence of any form

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Romania’s Minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities Natalia Intotero on Tuesday in Hunedoara, Hunedoara County, talked about the importance of continuous campaigns aimed at stopping violence, drug addiction or showing the decisive role that education has among children and young people.

Attending a high-level conference on youth, children and family affairs at Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, Intotero announced that the participants in this international event passed a manifesto showing how important it is to invest in human capital.

„Through this manifesto, which we will also send to the European Commission, we express our wishes, we ask for the support of the member states of the European Union for more money – investment in human capital is very important, as was emphasised today in our discussions, along with investment in infrastructure. It is very important to have continuous campaigns to stop violence in any form, to stop aggressions, continuous campaigns to stop addictions, especially drugs taking, campaigns to make young people aware of how important school is (…) for the future of every adult tomorrow,” said Intotero.

The high-level conference on youth, children and family affairs held in Hunedoara brought together decision-makers from the European Union and neighbouring regions, including representatives of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. Among the guests was United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children Najat Maala M’jid

Attending were government officials of Austria, Malta, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Morocco and Benin, hosted by Intotero.


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