AcasăEurope NewsPresident Iohannis: The Romanian Army is the main pillar of our national...

President Iohannis: The Romanian Army is the main pillar of our national defence system

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The Romanian Army is the main pillar of our national defence system, president Klaus Iohannis said on Friday, highlighting that this sector must continue to benefit from „a solid financial base,” significantly more than 2% of GDP.

The head of state participated in the military ceremony organized at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Carol I Park, on the occasion of the Army Day.

„Today, together, we honour the Romanian Army, the main pillar of the national defence system, which guarantees the sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, as well as the country’s territorial integrity and constitutional democracy. We also celebrate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the last furrow of Romanian land from the western border, an event of major significance for the affirmation of Romania’s independence and sovereignty. For the fulfillment of this fundamental role and for the entire activity carried out in the service of the country, we are deeply grateful to our active military, as well as to the military now in reserve or retirement, and to the civilian personnel within the Romanian Army,” said Iohannis.

The president added that this day is dedicated to the soldiers who paid the ultimate price on the battlefield, so that Romania could develop and become the democratic state respected in Europe and the world as it is today.

„At the same time, our thoughts of appreciation and gratitude go to the war veterans who fought for Romania in the two world wars, as well as to our soldiers who successfully fulfilled their missions in the theatres of operations, alongside our allies and partners,” added Iohannis.

According to him, in recent years, „significant” progress has been made at the level of the Romanian Army, especially in terms of equipping it with modern capabilities.

„Ever since I started my first mandate as president, I supported the allocation of 2% of GDP for Defence, according to Romania’s commitment to NATO. Later, against the background of the operational requirements generated by the changes in the security environment, I encouraged the increase of the Defence budget to 2.5% of GDP, starting in 2023. The Romanian Army must continue to benefit from a solid financial base, significantly more than 2% of GDP, as we committed to NATO, in order to implement, as planned, the major endowments of the armed forces that we planned in the short, medium and long term,” stated Klaus Iohannis.

He added that an important part of these substantial investments must return to the national Defence industry, as the process of revitalizing this strategic sector moves forward.

„Dear soldiers, the Romanian Army is respected and appreciated in the international environment for the way it fulfills its entrusted missions, both in the country and within the UN, NATO and the European Union. Through the dedication, professionalism and spirit of sacrifice you show in your work, you provide an example of strength, determination and courage to the younger generation. I am positive that you will continue to carry out your work to the highest standards, to always be able to respond promptly and effectively to any challenges. For the loyalty and honour with which you serve the country, you have our respect and appreciation! I wish you good health and success in fulfilling your missions while defending our country,” the head of state also said.


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