AcasăEurope NewsPM Ciolacu supports accelerated adoption of draft law on elimination of inequalities...

PM Ciolacu supports accelerated adoption of draft law on elimination of inequalities in application of military pensions

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Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday that both he and the Government support the adoption in Parliament, as soon as possible, of the draft law to eliminate inequities regarding military pensions, namely the legislative proposal to supplement Law 223/2015 on state military pensions, a statement made at the end of consultations with representatives of associations of military reservists who are protesting in Victoriei Square.

„Respect for the military means, for me, first and foremost respect for the rights. I strongly support the adoption of the draft law to eliminate inequities in the application of military pensions at an accelerated pace: next week it will be approved in the Chamber of Deputies, and in two weeks it will pass the Senate. I cal on all political competitors to stop using state institutions in the electoral battle. The Romanian Army, the Romanian Police and all the other institutions of the national defence system must not be mixed up in political disputes,” said Marcel Ciolacu, quoted in a statement issued by the Romanian Executive.

The government approved, at its meeting on October 23, the point of view on this legislative initiative, the cited source specifies.

The meeting with Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacsu, Labor and Social Solidarity Minister Simona-Bucura Oprescu, National Defence Minister Angel Tîlvăr, the head of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery Alexandru-Mihai Ghigiu, and the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Affairs Bogdan Despescu.


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