Labour Minister Simona Bucura-Oprescu met on Friday at the Romanian Embassy in Paris with Renault Group’s Public Affairs Director Bruno Vincent, with whom she discussed the future of Dacia Plant and of the Romanian automotive industry, the relevant ministry reports in a Facebook post.
„Dacia is one of the drivers of Renault Group and a crown jewel of the Romanian economy. It is the largest car manufacturer in Romania and the country’s main exporter. Competition with other states, including those outside the EU, requires rapid and efficient measures, which is why I reaffirm my support for ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of Dacia and the Romanian automotive industry. The challenges caused by the green transition, the cost of energy and the difficult context of the European automotive industry require immediate measures,” declared Labour Minister Bucura-Oprescu.
Following the discussion with Renault’s Director for Public Affairs Bruno Vincent, the LabMin announced that she will bring the identified problems to the attention of the government for solutions to be found so that the Dacia Plant and the Romanian automotive industry maintain their competitiveness. Another topic addressed was the development of the Dacia Museum in Mioveni.
Founded in 1966, Dacia is Romania’s most important car manufacturer, the leader of the local automotive market and the most important exporter, with a significant contribution to the country’s GDP.