At a meeting today, the Romanian government will approve a bill ratifying a defence cooperation agreement between Romania and the UK signed in London on November 13, 2024.
„The agreement aims to create the overall legal framework to strengthen defence cooperation between the two parties, in accordance with national legislation and international obligations incumbent on them, based on the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual interest. The agreement is concluded in the form of an international treaty at governmental level and contains provisions relating to definitions, purpose and principles of cooperation, designated authorities, implementation and planning, areas of cooperation, staff regulations, use of facilities and areas, property rights, labour issues, cooperation with third parties, environmental issues, protection of classified information, financial aspects, claims, dispute settlement, amendment and final provisions. The agreement does not contain provisions contrary to the Romanian legislation and does not violate the country’s obligations and commitments incumbent on it under other international documents,” reads the explanatory memorandum of the bill.
The government is also expected to approve a draft decision establishing an activity financed entirely from own revenues under the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve for the funding a national programme called „Junior Rangers.”
„This piece of legislation creates the possibility for the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve to use the financial resources available under the Junior Rangers’ national programmes designed to educate and raise the awareness of young people over environmental protection in the neighbouring areas located within the perimeter of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Under this programme, activities aimed at education and awareness over environmental protection for young people will be financially supported, as well as the expenses incurred by their participation in activities about nature and in nature, together with the staff of national or natural parks, people who have a tourist guide certificate, teachers and/or volunteers, in order to ensure harmonious development and for the training and preparation of future generations for a sustainable life, ” according to the project’s substantiation note.
Under another draft decision, the chairman of the National Office for Preventing and Combatting Money Laundering is being nominated.
According to the bill, Bogdan Stan is to be appointed chairman of the National Office for Preventing and Combatting Money Laundering (ONPCSB) for a 4-year term to replace Adrian Cucu, who will be relieved of the position of head of the ONPCSB by the same bill.
Also featuring on the agenda of the government meeting is a draft decision on the releases/appointments of prefects and/or deputy prefects.
As many as 350 motor vehicles necessary for the Transgaz S.A. National Gas Transmission Corporation to carry out specific activities will be approved, also by decision.
The executive will also approve two draft decisions on the granting emergency internal humanitarian aid to the town of Sighisoara in Mures County and the city of Timisoara in Timis County, and for the protection of the public affected by the hydrometeorological phenomena in Alba County and by the fires in the counties of Dolj and Buzau.
The government’s analysis will also include a draft emergency ordinance on the measures applicable to end users in the electricity and natural gas market between April 1, 2025 and March 31, 2026, as well as for the amendment and supplementation of pieces of energy legislation.
Also considered will be a draft emergency ordinance on social measures.