The number of housing units completed in Romania in 2024 was 60,787, down 10,667 units year-on-year, according to provisional data published on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
According to official statistics, in 2024, there was an increase in the share of completed housing in rural areas in 2024, from 39% in 2023 to 43% in 2024, and a decrease in urban areas, from 61% to 57%.
A breakdown by financing funds for completed housing reveals that the number of homes built on private funds in 2024 versus 2023 decreased (-10,796 housing units), but the number of homes built on public funds increased (+129).
INS data show in 2024, there wew decreases in all development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (-4,069 units), Centru (-1,846), Sud-Est (-1,809), Nord-Est (-814), Nord-Vest (-711), Sud-Vest Oltenia (-665), Sud-Muntenia (-483) and Vest (-270).
In Q4 2024, the housing units put into use nationwide in 2004 were down 2,986 units from the same period in 2023.
Most of the housing units were built in urban areas (58%).
Also, the number of homes built on private funds decreased by 2,904, and so did those built on public funds (-82).
Decreases in completed housing units in Q4 2024 from Q4 2023 were reported in all development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (-863), Sud-Est (-551), Sud-Vest Oltenia (-415), Centru (-396). Nord-Est (-285), Vest (-205), Nord-Vest (-140) and Sud-Muntenia (-131).