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NATO2022Bucharest / Aurescu: NATO ministerial meeting in Bucharest, a key moment in implementing decisions of Alliance 2022 summits

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The NATO foreign ministerial meeting that will take place in Bucharest on November 29 – 30 will be „a key moment” for the implementation of the decisions of the two summits of the Alliance this year, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu declared on Wednesday in an intervention at the international conference „Romanian Military Thinking – Dynamics of Security Architecture in the Wider Black Sea Area, in the Context of the Ukraine Conflict and the New NATO Strategic Concept”, acording to Agerpres.

„I will host at the end of the month the first meeting of the NATO Foreign Ministers in Bucharest. This will be a key moment for the implementation of the substantial and visionary decisions adopted at the two NATO summits this year, with an emphasis on strengthening the deterrence and defense posture in the Black Sea region. The Foreign Ministers who will get together in Bucharest will reflect on the approach to Russia, including in the long term. I look forward to discussions and decisions relevant for Romania, but also for the other allied states, decisions that will be a basis for strengthening NATO’s defense and deterrence posture on the Eastern Flank,” the Romanian top diplomat pointed out.

Bogdan Aurescu emphasized that „never in history has there been such a large allied presence in the region and along the entire Eastern Flank, with structures, troops and capabilities.”

„In the context of the unprecedented threat coming from Russia and amid the profound changes in the security environment, NATO allies have once again shown unity and solidarity, which proves that NATO remains the most successful political-military alliance in history,” the Romanian Foreign Minister said.


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