AcasăEurope NewsPresident Iohannis: EP corruption scandal, a complicated matter

President Iohannis: EP corruption scandal, a complicated matter

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President Klaus Iohannis Monday qualified the corruption scandal in the European Parliament as „a complicated matter”, adding that the prosecutors must be allowed to investigate this case, according to Agerpres.

„A complicated, unexpected issue is the scandal that broke out a few days ago in the European Parliament related to corruption accusations and I want to say publicly, I also told Madam president, that I support it, we support it one hundred percent. The direct, correct, open and firm manner in which she approached these matters is certainly the right way because the European Parliament as a whole is doing its job very well. The European Union as a whole is solving problems but when situations are found that certain people do not do what the electorate expects from them, it is clear that they must be investigated by the book, without too much political manipulation. The prosecutors must be left to do their work,” said the head of state, after the meeting with the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, visiting Bucharest.

Asked what information he has in the context of concerns in society that Romanian officials might be involved in this case of corruption, Iohannis stated that he has no other data than those provided by the European Parliament.

The head of state and Roberta Metsola discussed the Schengen topic, but also „more general, more complicated issues related to the European Union”.

„I concluded, as I think was expected, that our unity in the European Union is extremely important. Unity is the most powerful weapon we have, regardless of whether we are talking about the war launched by Russia against Ukraine, where unity is vital, or in other crises, where without unity we will not be able to face, for example the energy crisis. In this context, it is obvious that the sanctions that we decided against Russia were also discussed. Even in the last evening of the Council last week, the ninth package of sanctions was approved and here it was seen once again that unity is vital. Unity and solidarity are also needed in the relationship with Ukraine, but also within the Union,” Klaus Iohannis highlighted.

The discussions also concerned the enlargement of the European Union.


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