AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsSurvey: Five in ten Romanians optimistic 2023 will be a better year

Survey: Five in ten Romanians optimistic 2023 will be a better year

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The year 2022 was far more satisfactory for most Romanians (54 pct) compared to the pandemic-scarred 2020 (24 pct) and 2021 (22 pct), a survey by Reveal Marketing Research found, Agerpres reports.

According to the survey, as they regained their freedoms, the Romanians became more relaxed and optimistic, an attitude that also reflects in their sentiments and resolutions for the new year, with 48 percent of the respondents voicing optimism about 2023, and only 15 percent having pessimistic expectations.

„Regrettably, the end of the restrictions triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic was followed by a year full of disappointments, whether we are talking about the war at Romania’s borders or the extremely high inflation in 2022, which caused financial difficulties for the majority of Romanians,” the authors of the survey note.

The level of optimism decreases with age, being highest among youth between 18 and 24 years old (76 pct), while people over 55 (18 pct) are the least optimistic about 2023. The Romanians are most upbeat about the improvement of their personal financial situation compared to 2022 (43 pct), but are the most skeptical about the improvement of the country’s economic situation and the reduction of corruption levels, which are seen as difficult or even impossible to achieve goals by 46 percent, and 67 percent of the respondents, respectively.

Just 3 out of 10 Romanians are of the opinion that in 2023 the conflict situation in Ukraine will improve/come to end, or that Romania will break out of the Schengen-related stalemate. In terms of personal and family plans, 15 percent of Romanians intend to tie the knot or become engaged in 2023, with respondents aged between 25-35 years more intensely contemplating this possibility (26 pct), while 33 percent do not have such plans, especially young people aged between 18 and 24 (70 pct), the survey shows.

Also, 11 percent of respondents intend to have a baby in the new year, those aged between 25 and 44 in a significantly higher percentage (18 pct).

A quarter of Romanians declare that they intend to move in 2023 either to a new home in the same locality (12 pct), in another locality in the country (8 pct) or abroad (4 pct).

Rural residents are more stable, with 82 percent declaring that they do not plan to move in 2023, compared to 74 percent of urban respondents.

Regarding profession, 23 percent of Romanians want to change their workplace in 2023, especially young people aged between 18-34 (32 pct), while 50 percent want to keep their current job, significantly higher values being registered in the 35 to 55 age category (59 pct).

Romanians are most satisfied with the interpersonal relationships they have with their family (73 pct), with close people (67 pct), or with their romantic relationships (62 pct).

Expectably, young people ages 18 to 24 are more satisfied with their state of health (73 pct) compared to the total sample (56 pct), while most of the respondents over 55 of age (70 pct) are more satisfied with their free time (vs. 54 pct of the total sample).

The lowest satisfaction scores were registered for job satisfaction (48 pct) and the current financial situation (37 pct), with rural residents being less satisfied (a score of 42 pct and 28 pct, respectively).

As regards their top resolutions for the new year, most Romanians want to travel more (32 pct), spend more time with family (30 pct) or eat healthier (29 pct).

For people over 55, adopting a healthier diet (42 pct) and a more sustainable lifestyle (15 pct) are significantly more important than for the total sample (29 pct, respectively 9 pct). Also, they wish to a greater extent than the others to devote more time to their passions (24 pct vs. 16 pct for the total sample).

The physical appearance also plays an important role in the new year, given that 22 percent of the respondents declare that they want to lose weight, with women being more interested by the subject (25 pct vs. 18 pct men), as well as young people between 18-24 of age (29 pct), the survey reveals.

Young people aged between 25 and 34 place greater emphasis on professional development, are more willing to change their workplace (21 pct vs. 12 pct for the total sample) and to invest time in personal and professional development courses (15 pct vs. 8 pct for the total sample), the survey shows.

The Reveal Marketing Research survey was conducted online between December 28, 2022 and January 1, 2023 on a 1,005-strong representative sample of urban and rural internet users aged 18+; the maximum sampling error is +/-3.1 pct at a 95 pct confidence level. 


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