In order to attract investors Romania must improve its energy legislation which should no longer be subjected to frequent changes, Adrian Borotea, vice-president of the Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA) told the online debate „Wind energy, part of Romania’s clean energy mix” organized by the Smart Energy Association, according to Agerpres.
Borotea emphasized that last year at least seven legislative changes were operated in the area of energy overall and as regards renewable energy in particular.
„Investors no longer contemplate whether to invest in energy in Romania or in the European Union or in South America. Some of them ponder: should I invest in energy or go for infrastructure or, who knows, perhaps trade? So, in order to convince investors and determine them to stay in the energy sector, stay in Romania, we need to improve the legislation little by little, but also make it predictable and no longer change it so frequently,” said Adrian Borotea.
He emphasized that Romania needs more companies specialized in the construction of wind or solar parks, as well as specialists in these fields.
„The companies that are capable to build a wind or solar farm from scratch, or from certain phase or just a certain phase are increasingly fewer and they also have fewer and fewer specialists because investments have stagnated for a long time, opportunities in other countries arose, probably for a better pay – and many of the specialists left and now it is very difficult to get them back. Just like in other fields, in trade, in construction, the gap was filled by Asians who, don’t get me wrong, are perfectly skilled, they may be good professionals, but they still need to make a calling card in the medium and long term, so that we are sure that we are not playing with fire, that is, put in place things that tomorrow – as you saw in Turkey – could fall apart,” Adrian Borotea cautioned.