AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsCultMin Romascanu on Europe Day: We belong to a great family that...

CultMin Romascanu on Europe Day: We belong to a great family that doesn’t leave anybody behind

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Culture Minister Lucian Romascanu conveyed on Tuesday a message on Europe Day, in which he underscores that, despite the great challenges it faces as a result of the „unjust” war in Ukraine, Romania is „an essential part of the European Union” and belongs to a great family, that doesn’t leave anybody behind, write Agerpres.

„Every year, on 9 May, we are accustomed to celebrate peace, unity and cultural diversity of all the member states. Unfortunately, we are still going through hard times, and among our priorities there also have to remain the solidarity and friendship toward the Ukrainian people, sorely tried by an unjust war which has been going on for too long. On the other hand, we should not forget that this day has a special signification for our country, which we deserve to fully enjoy – it is the day of the great family of Romania – Europe. Even if we now are celebrating in a climate burdened by the worries generated by the war, together we have the necessary strength to move forward, without losing our faith in the most successful political project of Europe,” Romascanu highlighted.

The Culture minister wishes peace and tranquility to Europe. „The challenges are big, but so as the opportunities, and Romania hasn’t been and it is not alone, it is an essential part of the European Union, equal with all the other member states. We belong to a great family, that doesn’t leave anybody behind. Happy birthday, dear Romanians, European citizens! Many happy returns with peace and tranquillity, Europe!,” Lucian Romascanu added.

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