Romania’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), Florin Barbu, is taking part today in a meeting of the AgriFish Council in Brussels, according to a press statement released on Monday.
The council will hold a public policy debate on the communication on a vision for agriculture and food, published by the European Commission on February 19, 2025, according to MADR.
There will also be an informal ministerial lunch on the future of the Common fisheries policy.
Under ‘other business,’ the council is also expected to receive information on several topics, including: the high-level conference entitled „Common agricultural policy for food security,” which took place in Warsaw on March 5, 2025 (information from the presidency, in public session); the eligibility of expenses related to the purchase of breeding animals within the CAP strategic plans (information from the Romanian delegation, in public session); issues with the implementation of the provisions of Article 14 of the fisheries control regulation for the permitted margin of tolerance (MOT) applied to unsorted landings of small pelagic fisheries (information from the Latvian and Lithuanian delegations, in public session); future support to EU fisheries (information from the Netherlands, supported by the Belgian, Cypriot, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish delegations, in public session) The launch of the EU-wide communication campaign on aquaculture (information from the Commission, in public session)Foot and mouth disease outbreak (information from the Hungarian delegation, in public session).