AcasăEurope NewsAntologia disparitiei/Anthology of Disappearance, Best Show at 32nd UNITER awards gala

Antologia disparitiei/Anthology of Disappearance, Best Show at 32nd UNITER awards gala

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The prize for the Best Show at the 32nd edition of the UNITER Awards Gala was won by the Anthology of Disappearance / Antologia Disparitiei, based on contemporary female prose by Stefania Mihalache, Anca Vieru, Lorina Balteanu, Ruxandra Burcescu, Lavinica Mitu, Simona Popescu, the filming – Radu Afrim, production of the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater of Iasi.

The Best Show award was handed by the minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, and the actress Nicoleta Lefter gave the award to the theatre manager Cristian Hadji-Culea.

The awards handed within the UNITER awards gala are for:

* The best debut – Ramona Niculae for the role of Crina in the show 10 Things We Lost at the Mamaia Festival by Gabriel Sandu, directed by Elena Morar and Gabriel Sandu, Constanta State Theatre;

* The best scenography – Velica Panduru for the setting of the show Neliniste/ Restlessness by Ivan Viripaev, directed by Theodor-Cristian Popescu, Targu Mures National Theater – Liviu Rebreanu Company;

* The best actor in a supporting role – Miklos Bacs for the roles of the Mayor / Mayor’s Secretary in the show Rubedeniile / The Kins, after Moricz Zsigmond, directed by Laszlo Bocsardi, Hungarian State Theater of Cluj;

* The best supporting actress – Malina Lazar for the roles Copil, Fetita, Ileana, Sabina, Daisy Johnson, Nina copil from the Anthology of Disappearance, based on contemporary female prose by Stefania Mihalache, Anca Vieru, Lorina Balteanu, Ruxandra Burcescu, Lavinica Mitu, Simona Popescu, script, direction, sound universe, filming by Radu Afrim, Vasile Alecsandri National Theater of Iasi;

* The best actor in a leading role – Tudor Cucu Dumitrescu for the role of Hedwig from the Hedwig and the Angry Inch, text by John Cameron Mitchell, music and lyrics by Stephen Task, direction, choreography and costumes by Razvan Mazilu, Stela Popescu Theater of Bucharest;

* The best actress in a leading role – Cerasela Iosifescu for the role of Jocasta in the Oedipus by Robert Icke based on Sophocles, directed by Andrei Serban, Bulandra Theater of Bucharest;

* The best theater critic (George Banu Award) – Oltita Cintec;

* The best Romanian text staged in absolute premiere, prize awarded under the auspices of the Royal House of Romania – Candles of Justice by Csaba Szekely, directed by Aba Sebestyen, Targu Mures National Theater – Tompa Miklos Company;

* The best animation theater show / children’s theater – Invisible Stories by Mihaela Michailov, Gong Sibiu Children and Youth Theater and Replika Educational Theater Center Bucharest;

* The best original music and sound design – Tibor Cari for the original music for the Candles of Justice by Csaba Szekely, directed by Aba Sebestyen, Targu Mures National Theater – Tompa Miklos Company;

* The best video design – Mihai Nistor for the video projections, filming and mapping from the Anthology of Disappearance, screenplay, direction, the sound universe, Radu Afrim filming, Cosmin Florea scenography, Vasile Alecsandri National Theater of Iasi;

* The best lighting design – Michael Bischoff for Woyzeck by Georg Buchner, directed by Hunor Horvath and Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen, Eadu Stanca National Theater of Sibiu – German Section;

* The best radio theater show – The Summer in which My Mother Had Green Eyes based on the novel of the same name by Tatiana Tibuleac, dramatization and radio adaptation by Magda Dutu, artistic direction Diana Mihailopol, Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society;

* The best direction (Lucian Pintilie Award) – Andrei Majeri for Who Killed My Father?, Metropolis Theater of Bucharest;

Special prizes were awarded to:

* actors Rodica and Mugur Prisacaru, for their performance in the art of the puppet and marionette theater;

* Opera Comica Pentru Copii, for the coherence and consistency of the art education programs for the young public;

* George Cosbuc Municipal Cultural Center of Bistrita, for the initiation and realization of the theatrical projects A Few People at a Distance From You show directed by Radu Afrim, and Youth Without Old Age, workshop led by Silviu Purcarete.

Awards for the entire activity were handed to the actress Oana Pellea, the actor Dan Condurache, the director Petrica Ionescu, the set designer Viorica Petrovici and the theater critic and historian Miruna Runcan.

The Ion Caramitru excellence award was given to the actor Valer Dellakeza „for an exceptional career crowned by the role of the ‘prophet Jeremiah’ in the show Bros, directed by Romeo Castellucci, performed on the world’s big stages”.

The UNITER president’s award went to the Sibiu International Theater Festival for 30 years of activity.

The distinction was received by the president of the International Theater Festival of Sibiu and general director of the Radu Stanca National Theater of Sibiu, Constantin Chiriac.

Hosted by the UNITER Awards Gala, the British Council Award for supporting social inclusion and encouraging civic involvement went to the Ferentari Association for the PlayHood project.

Among those who announced and handed out the prizes were Princess Sofia, the president of the Romnaian Cultural Institute (ICR), Liviu Jicman, the actresses Alexandrina Halic, Mariana Mihut, Ana Ciontea, Aylin Cadir, Ioana Bugarin, Rodica Mandache, the actors Florin Piersic Jr, who was ” helped” by his son, Sasa, Pavel Bartos, the director Tudor Giurgiu, the singer-songwriter Nicu Alifantis, the performer Cosmina Stratan, but also the general deputy mayor of Bucharest, Stelian Bujduveanu.

The nomination jury was made up of theater critics Alina Epingeac, Cristina Rusecki and Octavian Szalad, and the final jury that designated the winners of the UNITER Awards was made up of actor Richard Balint, director Alexandru Berceanu, theater critic Doru Mares, set designer Viorica Petrovici and theater critic Maria Zarnescu.


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