AcasăEurope NewsAverage increase of 19% in regulated gas distribution tariffs, approved by energy...

Average increase of 19% in regulated gas distribution tariffs, approved by energy regulator ANRE

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The Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) approved on Wednesday an average increase, starting July 1, of 19% in the regulated natural gas distribution tariffs applicable to natural gas consumers benefiting from the distribution service, which represents approximately 10 RON/MWh distributed, the energy regulator says in a press release sent to AGERPRES.

The change in tariffs is determined by three main factors: the increase in the costs of the natural gas distribution service with the forecast inflation of 4.6% in 2024, the increase in capital costs following the realization in 2023 of a record investment volume, both in the connection of new consumers and in the expansion of distribution systems in the concession areas, as well as as a result of the reduction of the amount of natural gas distributed in 2023 by 8%.

„As an example: for a household customer who lives in a 3-room flat apartment and has an annual natural gas consumption of 3 MWh, the monthly value of the natural gas bill could increase by approximately 2.5 RON,” the release reads.

The distribution tariffs apply for one tariff year, for the period July 1 – June 30.

In the coming period, ANRE will publish this draft order for public consultation, in an updated form, the source adds.


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