AcasăEurope NewsAverage net salary/month reaches 4,412 RON in 2023, with HoReCa sector lowest...

Average net salary/month reaches 4,412 RON in 2023, with HoReCa sector lowest values

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The average monthly gross salary gain recorded at the level of the national economy in 2023 was 7,042 RON, by 15%, i.e. 916 RON, higher than the previous year, and the average net monthly salary gain amounted to 4,412 RON, an increase of 16, 1%, more precisely by 611 RON, according to the data published on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
(1 euro = rd 4.974 RON at end-2023)

The highest values of average net monthly salary earnings achieved in 2023, compared to the average for the economy, were recorded in the following economic activities: information and communications (+94.6%), financial intermediation and insurance (+63.3 %), production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+62.0%), extractive industry (+42.2%), respectively public administration (+41.1%).

At the opposite pole, the average monthly net salary earnings below the economy average were in the following economic activities: hotels and restaurants (-41.7%), other service activities (-36.0%), real estate transactions (-25, 9%), administrative service activities and support service activities (-21.2%), water distribution, sanitation, waste management, decontamination activities (-18.8%), performance, cultural and recreational activities (-18 .1%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (-15.9%), wholesale and retail trade; motor vehicle and motorcycle repair (-14.7%), manufacturing industry (-8.4%), transport and storage (-2.8%), respectively construction (-1.8%).

Compared to the average for the economy, the average monthly cost was significantly higher in the economic activities of information and communications (+91.6%), production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning (+71.5 %), financial intermediation and insurance (+70.1%), extractive industry (+50.0%), professional, scientific and technical activities (+19.9%), public administration (+19.1%), respectively health and social care (+16.2%).

The most relevant values of the average monthly cost below the economy average were recorded in the economic activities of hotels and restaurants (-41.8%), other service activities (-35.3%), agriculture, forestry and fishing ( -23.3%), real estate transactions (-22.5%), respectively administrative service activities and support service activities (-19.9%).

The number of employees at the end of 2023 was 5,677.3 million people. Compared to the end of the previous year, the number of employees registered an increase of 70,200 people, of which 36,600 were female employees.

At the end of 2023, the number of employees in private capital companies was the majority (76.8%) and registered an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year.

In addition, the distribution of employees according to the legal form of the enterprises showed that those employed in commercial companies represented 80.0% of the total number of employees at the end of the year, an increase of 1.4% compared to the previous year.


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