AcasăEurope NewsBaccalaureate examination starting with oral test in Romanian Language and Literature

Baccalaureate examination starting with oral test in Romanian Language and Literature

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Over 134,000 candidates have registered for the Baccalaureate examination, June – July 2024 session, and they are taking their first test today, an oral test in Romanian Language and Literature.

According to the Ministry of Education, the skills assessment tests in the first session (June – July) of the 2024 national Baccalaureate exam are scheduled between June 17 and 27.

According to data recorded and provided by the county commissions and Bucharest commission in charge with organising the exam, over 134,000 candidates (119,000 from class of 2024 and 15,000 from previous classes) are expected to take the exam in this session.

The results of each candidate in the tests for the assessment of the linguistic competences of oral communication in Romanian, in a mother tongue and in an international language are established against the national or European grids, therefore, no grades or pass/fail is awarded.

In the same way, the results of the digital skills assessment test are also expressed by establishing the level of competence in relation to the European standards.

All tests are audio and video monitored.

In order to pass the Baccalaureate national exam, the following conditions have to be met cumulatively: the skills assessment test are taken, all the written tests are taken with at least a 5 grade in each of them and at least an average of 6 in the written tests.


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