The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) is showing mixed trends in the opening of Friday’s session, the value of transactions carried out in the first 30 minutes of trading amounting to 1.05 million RON (213,701 euros), according to Agerpres.
The BET index, which shows the evolution of the 20 most liquid companies, saw a slight decrease of 0.03%, the BET-Plus index, which shows the evolution of the 37 most liquid shares on the BVB, also went down 0.03%.
The extended blue-chip index BET-XT, of the 25 most liquid securities, stagnated, while the yield benchmark of investment funds, BET-BK, recorded an appreciation of 0.02%.
The BET-FI index of SIFs climbed 0.11%, and the BET-NG, the index of 10 companies in the energy and utilities sector lost 0.25%.
The biggest increases in the value of shares were recorded by Socep (+4.67%), Biofarm (+2.33%) and Sphera Franchise Group (+1.78%).
On the other hand, the shares of the companies Altur (-8.05%), Romcab (-3.32%) and Rompetrol Well Services (-2.33%) were down.