AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsBuilding permits in Romania, down 14.9% in 2022

Building permits in Romania, down 14.9% in 2022

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The number of building permits issued in 2022 in Romania decreased by 14.9% from 2021, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), Agerpres informs.

In 2022, 43,660 building permits were issued for residential buildings.

Decreases were recorded in all development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (-1,490 permits), Nord-Est (-1,296), Sud-Muntenia (-1,184), Vest (-996), Nord-Vest (-857), Centru (-656), Sud-Est (-594) and Sud-Vest Oltenia (-554).

In December 2022, 2,691 building permits were issued for residential buildings (-15.4% from November 2022), of a total usable area of 834,425 sqm (-8.6%). Of the total permits for residential buildings, 68.7% were for the countryside.

Also in December 2022, there was a monthly decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-488 permits). The decrease was reflected in all development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (-155), Nord-Est (-103), Centru (-76), Sud-Est (-44), Sud-Vest Oltenia ( -40), Sud-Muntenia and Vest (-30, each) and Nord-Vest (-10).

In December 2022, 565 building permits were issued for non-residential buildings (+2.9% from November 2022), of a total usable area of 370,571 sq.m. (+48.6%). Compared with the previous month, in December 2022 there was an increase in the usable area of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+121,157 sq.m.).

The increase is reflected in the following development regions: Sud-Muntenia (+102,555 sq.m.), Sud-Est (+46,734), Sud-Vest Oltenia (+32,518) and Nord-Est (+4,172). Decreases were reported in the following development regions: Vest (-34,591 sq.m.), Centru (-14,389), Bucharest-Ilfov (-11,881) and Nord-Vest (-3,961).

In December 2022, there was a decrease in both the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-32.9%) and the total usable area (-20.6%), y-o-y.

The decrease in the number of building permits issued for residential buildings (-1,320 permits) was reflected in all development regions: Bucharest-Ilfov (-269 permits), Nord-Vest (-221), Vest (-217 ), Nord-Est (-160), Sud-Muntenia (-135), Sud-Vest Oltenia (-122), Centru (-119) and Sud-Est (-77).

In December 2022 as against December 2021, there was a decrease in the number of building permits issued for non-residential buildings (-8.4%) and an increase in the total usable area (+2.8%).

The increase in the usable area for building permits issued for non-residential buildings (+9,966 sq.m.) was reflected in the following development regions: Sud Muntenia (+92,010 sq m), Sud-Est (+28,355), Nord-Est (+4,106), Nord-Vest (+2,277) and Sud-Vest Oltenia (+1,584). Decreases were registered in the following development regions: West (-61,110 sqm), Bucharest Ilfov (-55,468) and Centru (-1,788).


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