The Co-Presidents of the Romanian Green Party had a meeting in Bucharest withe the Co-President of the European Greens, MEP Thomas Waitz, according to a message posted on Facebook by Marius Lazar, one of the leaders of the Romanian party.
„I had, together with Lavinia Cosma, Co-President, a very good discussion at our headquarters in Bucharest with MEP Thomas Waitz, Co-President of the European Greens.
We asked the leader of the European Green Party for support at the level of the European legislature for the integration of Romania in the Schengen area and countering all the attacks of the extreme right in the European Parliament against Romania.
We continue the battle to stop illegal deforestation, to combat working poverty (those who have a job must live decently from their work), to fairly tax the immoral profits of companies. For a circular economy that generates well-paid jobs, for the transparency of the spending of public money, for the elimination of illegal waste imports. To protect transnational families and ensure intergenerational justice.
With a confidence boost! Thank you Thomas!
We are the only green party in Romania, a member of the European Greens. We will be present at the Congress in Copenhagen 2-4 December 2022″, Marius Lazar wrote on Facebook.