AcasăEurope NewsDefMin and commander of Turkish Naval Forces, discussions about security situation in...

DefMin and commander of Turkish Naval Forces, discussions about security situation in Black Sea

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The Minister of Defense, Angel Tilvar, had a meeting with Admiral Ercument Ratlioglu, Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces, on Thursday, on the occasion of the demonstrations in Constanta dedicated to the Navy Day, the two officials discussed the evolution of the security situation in the Black Sea region, respectively opportunities of cooperation, in a bilateral, regional and allied context.

According to a press release from MApN, Angel Tîlvar appreciated the good collaboration between the Romanian and Turkish armed forces, materialized in major joint training events, air police missions, naval operations and military presence in the multinational structures deployed on the territory of the two countries.

„The operationalization of the operative group for combating sea mines in the Black Sea represents the result of joint efforts and a proof of the cohesion and solidarity of the riparian states that signed the initiative: Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. It is imperative that we continue to act in a coordinated way to strengthen the security of the Black Sea, and the naval field is one of the main points of interest,” said Minister Angel Tilvar.

Also, the Romanian official highlighted the positive trend of cooperation in the technical-military field, specifying that the sustained dialogue represents a valuable tool for strengthening and developing military relations between Romania and Turkey.


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