AcasăRomania & Moldova NewsEducation general strike: Government has prepared OUG that ensures increase in income...

Education general strike: Government has prepared OUG that ensures increase in income of education staff

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The government has prepared the emergency ordinance (OUG) that will ensure the increase in the incomes of education system staff, Executive spokesman Dan Carbunaru told a press conference on Sunday, write Agerpres.

He added that more than 270,000 people will benefit from these income increases.

„It is a budgetary effort that exceeds 700 million RON, with European resources of 410 million RON, European money through the Education and Employment Programme, and 313 million RON from the national budget. A total of 723 million RON will be added to the 300 million RON allocated to increase the income of non-teaching staff in Annex 8, which already happened on Friday. The total amount is 1.23 billion RON that the Government is allocating these days for increases in the incomes of personnel in the education system. There are 273,532 beneficiaries,” the government spokesman pointed out.

According to him, all the employees in the education system will receive income increases, but in a „differentiated way” and maintained that this new step is proof that the Government is taking the real needs and expectations of people working in the education system very seriously, taking into account a whole range of realities.

The Government heeds the demands of trade unionists and expects the educational process to be resumed, Carbunaru said, adding that the measures proposed by the Government are found in most European countries.

The government spokesman also announced that, starting Monday, Labour Minister Marius Budai is accelerating dialogue with trade union representatives, first with those in education, then with the health system and transport, on the new pay scales of the future salary law for the budget system.

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