AcasăEurope NewsEnergy Minister Popescu says new power plant at Petromidia to have newest...

Energy Minister Popescu says new power plant at Petromidia to have newest co-generation technology

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The new power plant at Petromidia will have the most modern co-generation technology and will provide the necessary electricity and technological steam for the Petromidia platform, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu says, according to Agerpres.

„We invest in the development of the energy system and, at the same time, in the modernisation of local communities. One such project is that of the new co-generation plant at Petromidia, which will be completed next year. The gas turbines have been delivered today, and the works on the site are advanced. The 80 MW power plant on the Petromidia platform will have the most modern co-generation technology and will provide the necessary electricity and technological steam for the Petromidia platform,” the minister wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday.

The new unit for the combined production of electricity and thermal energy is a project from the list of investments to be made by the Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund.

In the spring of this year, the Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund (FIEKR) announced that it had successfully concluded a syndicated loan in the total amount of 83 million euros to finance the construction of the new co-generation plant on the Petromidia platform.

The estimated deadline for putting the co-generation plant into operation was the end of July 2023, FIEKR showed in May.

The new combined electricity and thermal energy production unit will operate with natural gas as the main fuel and will partially use (within a maximum of 25%) the gas resulting from the technological processes of the refinery. The plant will have a particularly high degree of efficiency that can reach 92%.

Established in October 2018, FIEKR is owned by KMG International and the Romanian state through the Society for the Administration of Energy Participations – SAPE, its main and strategic objective is pursuing the development of energy projects in Romania. At the same time, the two shareholders – KMGI and the Romanian state – are also found within the companies Uzina Termoelectrica Midia and Rompetrol Rafinare – the operator of the Petromidia Navodari and Vega Ploiesti refineries, as well as the only polymer producer in Romania.

The company Rompetrol Energy is majoritarily owned by the Kazakh-Romanian Energy Investment Fund, together with Rominserv and Uzina Termoelectrica Midia.


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