AcasăFără categorieEnvironment ministry announces 13.2 ha urban forest under PNRR

Environment ministry announces 13.2 ha urban forest under PNRR

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The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MMAP) has selected the first three administrations that have submitted projects for the establishment of urban forests through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), with the municipality of Buzau to create a 13.2 hectare forest.

„Suceava, Murfatlar and Buzau are the first administrations that will have urban forests inside their cities, financed under the PNRR. The programme that finances the planting of mini-forests in Romanian cities is open until the end of the year, and the total amount granted by the PNRR is 30 million euro. In Buzau, 13.2 hectares will become green on a funding worth over 6.2 million lei,” informs MMAP.

The forest area will be developed on the banks of the Buzau river, at the same time the local administration is also planning to extend the water springs.

Six other local administrations will sign financing contracts for the planting of urban forests.

„I am very glad that increasingly more land plots, including some in a degrading state, are turning into urban forests, which can absorb higher quantities of carbon dioxide and can bring a significant plus in terms of air quality in cities and municipalities,” said Environment Minister Mircea Fechet.


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