AcasăEurope NewsFirst case of fraud with PNRR funds: False documents for construction of...

First case of fraud with PNRR funds: False documents for construction of hospital in Constanta

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National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) notified the Constanta Court in connection with the first case regarding fraud with PNRR funds completed by the anti-corruption prosecutors, in which the owner of a design firm is involved, accused of having submitted false documents to win a contract for the construction of a hospital in Constanta, according to Agerpres.

The DNA prosecutors ordered the referral to the Constanta Court with a plea agreement concluded with a businessman for committing the crimes of illegal acquisition of funds and improper participation (in the form of instigation) in the attempt to use or present false, inaccurate or false documents or statements or incomplete, if the deed results in obtaining European funds illegally and falsely in documents under private signature, in continuous form.

In the press release published on Friday, DNA does not mention his name, but according to the court portal and the local press, it is the businessman Victor Alexandru Ciobotaru, majority partner of Atlas Consulting&Proiect SRL, the leader of the association of companies that won a contract for the development of the technical documentation economic for the project „Construction and endowment of the Municipal Polyclinic Hospital,” in Constanta.

During the investigation, Victor Alexandru Ciobotaru admitted his guilt before the DNA prosecutors and accepted to receive a sentence of one year and eight months in prison, with the suspension of the execution of the sentence for a period of 2 years of supervision and the prohibition of some rights.

However, this agreement must be approved by a judge from the Constanta Court.

He also paid part of the damage caused to the local budget of the municipality of Constanta, in the total amount of 600,000 lei.


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