AcasăEurope NewsForMin Odobescu: Russia has intensified its hybrid actions against NATO members.

ForMin Odobescu: Russia has intensified its hybrid actions against NATO members.

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She attended the informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague.

One topic of the meeting, she said, concerned hybrid attacks on allied countries.

„We have seen the recent attempts to rewrite borders, in the case of Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, we have seen the massive cyber attacks, in our case the recent espionage activity. Basically, Russia has intensified its hybrid attacks on Alliance members and it is very important to continue coordination, expressing solidarity with our affected allies, but more coordination is needed in terms of reacting to these hybrid attacks, hybrid attacks that target not only allies, but also vulnerable partners, such as the Republic of Moldova,” the minister said.

Odobescu reiterated that for Romania, support for the Republic of Moldova both bilaterally and at European level is a priority on Romania’s foreign policy agenda, it is a priority on the diplomatic agenda, for dialogue with all partners.

Thus, she encouraged support for the neighbouring country, „which has been facing a lot of hybrid attacks from Russia lately, attacks that are meant to provoke emotion or destabilise.”

„The authorities in Chisinau are successfully dealing with these attacks, but obviously also in view of the presidential elections, in view of the referendum for European integration that will take place this autumn, it is important to strengthen this support and not only in terms of reacting to these hybrid attacks, in terms of strengthening the authorities in Chisinau, but also in terms of economic support and support in important sectors for Moldova, such as the energy sector,” said Luminita Odobescu.


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