AcasăEurope NewsGheorghe Cârciu, State Secretary of the Department for Romanians Abroad: "Our priority...

Gheorghe Cârciu, State Secretary of the Department for Romanians Abroad: „Our priority is Romanian identity and its preservation abroad”

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The State Secretary for Romanians Abroad, Gheorghe Cârciu, paid a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Spain from 16 to 19 May 2024.

During the meetings organised with representatives of Romanian communities in Münster and Bonn, Castellon de la Plana, Sagunto and Madrid, the main directions of action of the Department for Romanians Abroad (DRP) and how they respond to the needs identified among Romanians abroad were discussed. At the same time, during the trip, a series of projects developed in these countries, with the financing of DRP, by Romanian associations were visited.
On Thursday, 16 May 2024, the DRP delegation attended the meeting of Romanian Greek Catholic priests in the diaspora, held at the United Romanian Greek Catholic Parish of St. John Cassian in Münster.

„The blessed work that Bishop Cristian Crișan is carrying out, through the project submitted and financed by DRP, is a good hand extended to our brothers in Germany. I was happy to know that the representatives of the local church come to their support and support them in the problems they face and make efforts to find the most effective solutions for overcoming difficult times and their social involvement.

Both the priest Peter Kossen and H.E. Felix Genn, Bishop of Münster, together with Mrs. Angela Stähler, Mayor of Münster, take care that the rights of our Romanians are respected and fight, together with them, for integration in all fields of activity”, the DRP dignitary transmitted.

The day’s programme continued with a meeting between the Secretary of State of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gheorghe Cârciu, and Mrs Angela Stähler, Mayor of Münster, during which the foundations were laid for an open dialogue on supporting the Romanian community. The discussions highlighted the fact that Romanian citizens living abroad make a considerable and unquestionable contribution to the host countries through their seriousness, fairness and determination in all the fields in which they work.

„Whether they are farmers or successful entrepreneurs, our mission is to be at the side of our compatriots, and the collaboration between the Romanian and German states must be solid and result-oriented in favour of Romanians”, said the Secretary of State.

On 17 May 2024, the representatives of the Romanian Permanent Representation met with members of the Romanian community in North Rhine-Westphalia at the Consulate General of Romania in Bonn. One of the main wishes expressed on this occasion by the dialogue partners was the possibility for the new generation of Romanians to study Romanian in German schools. In his turn, the State Secretary of DRP pointed out that the Department supports education, through projects dedicated to young people abroad, in order to build a promising future in which Romanian values and identity are preserved and promoted. The meeting was also attended by the Consul General of Romania in Bonn, Dr. Dan Moraru.

On Saturday, 18 May, the discussions held at the Romanian Consulate in Castellon de la Plana with the Romanians in the area, in the presence of Mrs Petruța-Roxana Filip, acting manager, underlined the importance of preserving the Romanian identity abroad and the role that the Romanian Government assumes in this endeavour. In accessing the non-reimbursable funds made available by the Romanian state, the responsibility of all parties involved in the efficient management of resources and the need to direct them towards projects that are useful to the community and support the Romanian identity were highlighted. The setting up of community centres was another theme addressed during the meeting.

The Secretary of State of the DRP, Gheorghe Cârciu: „Community centres will be set up in the coming period, for the first time in 10 countries, and will take over the problems of Romanians. They will have the role of supporting the associative environment in writing projects, both for funding by the DRP and for other types of funding, including European funding. Together we are responsible for the efficiency of resources and the usefulness of investments to support the Romanian identity.”

The DRP delegation also visited and monitored ongoing projects in the Kingdom of Spain, which have received funding from the Department, and guided beneficiaries in the implementation of new initiatives from 18-19 May 2024.

The programme of the trip included participation in the Holy Mass celebrated on Sunday 19 May 2024 by His Eminence Bishop Timotei and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian Orthodox Parish „Soborul Maicii Domnului” in Sagunto. During the latter event, the Secretary of State received, on behalf of the Department, the Order of St. James the Great.

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