AcasăEurope NewsGov't unveils state aid scheme for manufacturing industry

Gov’t unveils state aid scheme for manufacturing industry

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Economy Minister Radu Oprea has unveiled a four-year EUR 600 million state aid scheme for the Romanian manufacturing industry.

„The steps that follow after today’s approval of the government decision regulating the state aid scheme are publishing a guide, which is ready in transparency; signing the ministerial order for the guide; and opening a project session that will last 30 days. I am asking those who are interested and who will submit projects for this new state aid scheme to keep an eye on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, to see the guide, so that they may start working and submitting good projects for the Romanian economy,” Oprea told a news conference on Friday at the Government House.

Oprea mentioned recent statistics according to which the Romania’s per capita GDP in relation to the purchasing power is comparable to that of Poland. There are also statistics according to which Romania would have one of the highest economic growth in the European Union, he said.

„Romania, from the point of view of per capita GDP in relation to the purchasing power, is on a par with Poland. We have an 80% degree of convergence with the European Union. At the time of accession, we were at 43%, which means that Romania’s economy has had the fastest growth in recent times. Also, the forecasts are good, favouring Romania. There are reputable financial institutions and specialist publications that say that Romania will probably have one of the highest economic growth this year in the European Union. Some publications say that it will even be the biggest increase. Regarding industrial production, I have looked at European statistics and I saw that in April we are already at a positive 3.8 percent growth, although the European average was negative 2 percent, which means that the manufacturing industry and the industry in Romania are faring well at the moment,” Oprea said.


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