AcasăEurope NewsHarvard economists: Romania⁩ is ⁨an upper-middle-income⁩ country, ranking as the ⁨⁨44th⁩ richest...

Harvard economists: Romania⁩ is ⁨an upper-middle-income⁩ country, ranking as the ⁨⁨44th⁩ richest economy⁩ per capita

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Romania⁩ is ⁨an upper-middle-income⁩ country, ranking as the ⁨⁨44th⁩ richest economy⁩ per capita out of 133 studied. Its ⁨19.3 million⁩ inhabitants have a GDP per capita of ⁨$12,915⁩⁨ (⁨$32,099⁩ PPP; ⁨2020⁩)⁩. GDP per capita growth has averaged ⁨3.9%⁩ over the past five years, ⁨above⁩ regional averages, according to a study conducted by Harvard economists.

⁨Romania⁩ ranks as the ⁨⁨19th⁩ most⁩ complex country in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) ranking. Compared to a decade prior, ⁨Romania’s⁩ ⁨economy has become more complex, ⁩⁨improving ⁩⁨⁨9⁩ positions in the ECI ranking⁩. ⁨⁩ Moving forward, ⁨Romania⁩ is positioned to take advantage of ⁨many⁩ opportunities to diversify its production using its existing knowhow, according to the quoted source.

⁨Romania⁩ is ⁨more complex than expected⁩ for its income level. ⁨However, its economy⁩ is projected to grow ⁨slowly.⁩ The Growth Lab’s ⁨2030⁩ Growth Projections foresee growth in ⁨Romania⁩ of ⁨2.9%⁩ annually over the coming decade, ranking in the ⁨top half⁩ of countries globally.

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