AcasăEurope NewsIntMin Bode asks the ministry's Control Body to check procedures for BMW...

IntMin Bode asks the ministry’s Control Body to check procedures for BMW cars’ purchase

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The Government’s spokesman, Dan Carbunaru, announced on Thursday evening that the Minister of the Interior, Lucian Bode, requested the Control Body to carry out checks regarding the purchase of BMW brand police cars, according to Agerpres.

„If you are referring to the public interest shown in the purchase of police cars for the National Police, I can confirm that the Minister of Internal Affairs asked the Control Body to check the procedures carried out on this occasion, and at the end of the checks, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will present these conclusions publicly,” said Carbunaru, after the Government meeting.

The head of the Romanian Police, Benone Matei, declared on Monday that the procurement procedure of BMW special vehicles for IGPR (Romanian Police General Inspectorate) equipment was supervised by the National Public Procurement Agency.

„Throughout the procurement procedure, the Romanian Police benefited from the verification of the observers of the National Public Procurement Agency, who, upon completion of the evaluation, issued the ‘final unconditional approval’ – without which it was not possible to sign the Framework Agreement,” said Benone Matei in a press statement.


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