Labour Minister Marius Budai will participate on Wednesday, as of 11:30hrs, in the Senate plenary meeting, at the Government’s Question Time debate, following an invitation made at the proposal of the Save Romania Union (USR) parliamentary group, according to the institution’s website, write Agerpres.
„Mr Budai must explain to us how he is to renegotiate the PNRR [the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – editor’s note] in Brussels, after more than a year of bragging to do so, when, in fact, he is not even able to put an end to a clear subject, such as special pensions. It is because of this issue that Romania loses so much money from the PNRR,” Radu Mihail, leader of the USR group in the Senate said on 2 May.
Marius Budai announced that he would be present on 26 April in the Senate plenary, but canceled his participation because of the Government meeting taking place that very day.