AcasăEurope NewsLeader of the Hungarian Democratic Union in Romania (UDMR): Iohannis's approval rating...

Leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union in Romania (UDMR): Iohannis’s approval rating among Hungarian community – even lower than Iliescu’s worst performance

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President Klaus Iohannis’s approval rating among the Hungarian community, which once voted for him in proportion of over 80 percent, has plummeted dramatically, Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor declared on Monday evening on broadcaster Realitatea TV, at the political show produced by Mrs. Anca Alexandrescu.

„I wouldn’t be able to take stock of President Iohannis’s terms in office as we speak, in two or three minutes. We’ll do this when he finishes his term. For now, of course there are dissatisfactions. I see it in my community how the approach to President Iohannis has changed. In 2014, when he was competing against Victor Ponta, he took more than 80 percent of the ethnic Hungarians’ votes. He enjoyed a lot of trust. Now he has fallen to a low I think not even Iliescu has seen,” Kelemen Hunor said.

He pointed out that he wasn’t in the situation to be disappointed by President Iohannis’s performance, but on the other hand, there should be transparency regarding his future after he completes his second term in office.

Bringing to mind President Iohannis’s ironic salute in 2020 „Jo napot kivanok PSD”, the UDMR leader reaffirmed that this represented „a blow intended for the Social Democrats and Marcel Ciolacu”.

„President Iohannis made that mistake that has been massively discussed about, of using the Hungarian language in order to deal the PSD a blow. (…) It was a blow directed at Marcel Ciolacu, at the PSD, by saying things that were not true. Iohannis himself knew that that statement [about alleged negotiations to give Transylvania away] was not true, but this is how it went down… And now, the PNL is in a left-wing coalition with PSD,” Kelemen Hunor said.


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