Unaffiliated MEP Luis-Vicențiu Lazarus gave a speech during the debates on: The geopolitical and economic implications for transatlantic relations under the new Trump administration, on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 – from the European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg, where he said that energy security in the EU should be the energy security of each EU state…However, in Romania, a country on the edge of the „Empire”, this energy security has been lost by the closure of mines and the intervention of all kinds of NGOs to show us that we must protect the environment, which has blocked the operation of some hydroelectric power plants.
Here is the full text of the speech made in the plenary of the EU Parliament:
„Colleagues, Madam President, I was going to start this discussion in a different way, but I was astonished that I was asked to take off my sweater, that it would have the US flag on it. It’s not the US flag, it’s just a sweater made by Ralph Lauren. But does Ralph Lauren ever bother you that he ever dressed Melanie? I don’t know. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is something else. I understand from the Commission and the Council that there are concerns about energy security and the war in Ukraine.
Well, the war in Ukraine will be solved immediately by Trump. That’s all he said, right? And we really trust it will be resolved. So some of you will be left without the object of your labor here in Brussels or Strasbourg.
And energy security in the European Union should be the energy security of every state in the European Union. However, in Romania, a country on the edge of the ‘Empire’, where I come from, after you closed the mines and intervened with all sorts of NGOs to show us that we need to protect the environment, which blocked the operation of some hydroelectric power stations, we have lost energy security.
What is more, as a major exporter of gas, I see that we are flitting gas all over Europe and, in the end, when it comes back to us, our citizens have to pay very high prices. How can we establish energy security in Romania and in the European Union if we behave like this? I believe that Trump would not behave like that with the United States, because the European Union is like the United States of America: there are several states, right? Let’s treat all states the same.”
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