AcasăEurope NewsManagers estimate increase in construction and retail activity over next three months

Managers estimate increase in construction and retail activity over next three months

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Construction and retail trade will register an increase in activity in the next three months, while prices in the same fields will have an upward trend, according to the results of the business situation survey published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

According to the quoted source, in the manufacturing industry, the managers predict, for the next three months, a relative stability of the production volume (current balance +5%).

Regarding the number of employees, a relative stability is estimated, the short-term balance being 0%.

A moderate increase is also forecast in the prices of industrial products, in the next three months, with a short-term balance of plus 10%.

In the field of construction, according to the estimates made in the context survey of June 2024, there will be an increase in the volume of production (current balance +21%), and the number of employees will record a moderate jump (current balance +8%).

In terms of prices, construction works will register, in the next three months, an increase, on a short-term balance of plus 26%.

The INS data reveal the fact that, in the retail trade, the managers estimated a trend of economic activity growth (short-term balance +20%). At the same time, the volume of orders addressed to suppliers of goods by commercial units will register an increase (short-term balance +18%), while employers forecast a relative stability of the number of employees (short-term balance +3%).

At the same time, the managers of commercial companies estimate an increase in retail prices (short-term balance +27%).

According to the estimates of June 2024, the demand for services (turnover) will register a moderate increase in the next three months (short-term balance +10%). Regarding the number of employees, relative stability is expected (short-term balance +5%).

In the opinion of the managers, the sales or billing prices of the services will have a moderate growth trend, at a short-term balance of plus 11%.


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